
Spoken For is an Albuquerque based organization that exists to end sex trafficking in New Mexico. We are actively involved in the process of rescue, aftercare, and advocacy for formerly trafficked individuals, providing emergency housing for identified victims and collaborative partnerships to address transitional and long-term housing needs.

Spoken For strives to seek justice for those trapped in human trafficking. Often they are caught in a cycle of manipulation where their freedom to determine their own future is taken from them. Justice doesn’t stop at ending the crime of trafficking. Justice works beyond the violation, empowering survivors to move past their exploitation and live the lives they choose for themselves.

Spoken For works with local law enforcement to help identify, but more importantly, to aid in assisting a rescue by providing emergency response when a victim has been identified and removed from the trafficking situation.  Spoken For has established collaborative partnerships with key law enforcement, including the New Mexico Attorney General’s Office and sits on the New Mexico Human Trafficking Task Force. New Mexico is one of twenty-seven USAOs actively participating in anti-trafficking with the New Mexico Human Trafficking Task Force (NMHTTF), a collaborative effort to help accomplish the goals of prevention, prosecution, and protection for victims of human trafficking in the state.  Key staff at Spoken For also chair the Diversion subcommittee and previously chaired the Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking subcommittee, which are subcommittees formed by the larger Human Trafficking Task Force.  Spoken For has established strong collaborative partnerships with Homeland Security, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Albuquerque Police Department and Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

Spoken For has also been an intricate part of helping to provide support and resources to The Life Link, another New Mexico based organization that provides victim services to this specialized population. Spoken For has spent the past 5 years doing statewide resource mapping to be able to provide and/or connect resources for additional service providers, law enforcement, the judicial system, medical/health field, educational institutions and many other community partners.  The services provided by Spoken For and these collaborative partnerships has helped assist with the prosecution of human trafficking cases in addition to increasing the number of victims who receive wraparound services necessary for the stabilization on the road to restoration.